Flat Copper Tape, 25mm, 100m reel

Catalogue index: Contacta000062

  • Delivery time: 14 days
  • Delivery: from PLN0.00 (DPD)
PLN1,209.00 net / szpula 100m PLN1,487.07 gross incl. 23% VAT / szpula 100m


The flat copper tape is placed under flooring when installing large area loops. It is available in reels of 100m.


  • Composition: copper 99.5% (minimum)
  • Density: 8.9g/cm³
  • Melting Point: 1083℃
  • Electrical conductivity: 58m/Ω mm² at 20℃ (100% IACS)
  • Electrical resistance: 0.01741 Ω mm²/m at 20℃
  • Hardness: 50/60 HV

Insulation Film:

  • Density: 1.36g/cm³
  • Tensile strength: 200N/mm²
  • Elongation: 60%
  • Temperature rating (continuous use) Melting point: 160℃
  • Breakdowin voltage: 7KV